Extra Credit Sale Campaign

Monarch offered the 30% off Extra Credit Sale as incentive to parents registering their 3-12 grade student(s) after the normal registration period. The brief requested the campaign utilize the pre-specified Q3 imagery for Monarch which depicted a happy student with butterfly wings. The imagery was built around the concept “Monarch curriculum initiates transformative learning.”

To depict this transformative learning I decided email headers should depict happy students, aged 10-18, learning on laptops, with or without parents. The backgrounds would be a light gradient to allow the monarch wings to stand out. Then, I generated ideas for desk and office supplies vectors to pose around the student and create an educational atmosphere. Once I fleshed out concepts for the header images I started brainstorming icons to represent courses highlighted in the campaign emails. The process is abstract and fluid. You can see my process notes in the images of my sketchbook but let me break it down for you further. Example course: Career Exploration > what is “career” in abstract? > professional journey > Career Exploration course will help plan your professional journey > plan = roadmap > what could a professional journey roadmap look like? > highway with gps location points representing major career milestones.